Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Horrendous 2008!

By Manish Anand

Finally, horrendous 2008 is few hours away from coming to an end. The year turned out to be a thriller straight out to be from a page turner fiction. The year bids adieu to all with strong warning not to be callous with their fundamentals. It will take a minimum four years to undo the damage done by the year 2008. The only silver lining is the new man in the US, Barrack Hussain Obama, who will take charge of the world's sole superpower, after managing a mandate for change.

The world started shaking with the world wide stock market beginning to tank, while it ended with the world glueing to the television sets to watch the horrendous dance of murderous designs of Pakistan with posh hotels in Mumbai becoming the stage. In between, Bihar saw itself drawning in the mother of all floods with millions turning refugees.

All the crises caught the world with its pants down. The US led to the world economic crisis with its sub-prime crisis, which landed all the economies into the trap of a financial tsunami. Obama holds the promise to bring the world out of the hole that the arrogant financial management of his predecessor led to, though nothing short of a magic will ensure that in a short span of time.

Pakistan had been a blot on the world map, and it continues to be so. The lenient world has been tolerating it for one pretext or the other though its misdemeanour warranted out to smashed out much earlier. Pakistan, the rough baby of the US, is now out to destroy all the advances made by the world thanks to the sanctuary of the bearded and ugly monsters, so called jihadists, that it has nurtured over the decades.

Indian leaders proved to be the shame for the people. Though none to be spineless, the politicians of the country are threatening to drown the country into the Bay of Bengal, if a new breed does not replace them at an earliest time.

Worst had been the electronic channels of the country, who have proved through their deeds that they had been trained at best to play the monkey sports, as they continue with their monkey business with no remorse.
Hope that 2009 does not turn out to be another year of monkey dance.

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