Monday, September 29, 2008

Cupid stupid !

By Manish Anand
The world dreams of love, as it’s scarce. The government can not ration it, as its beyond rules.

Few days ago one of my friends called me, as he wanted to come to my place. He was at my place before I reached, and was struck to see him.

The face was dull as if being soaked in too much of tears, the eyes swollen as if he had not slept even the bare minimum, and the beard sprouting in wild ways. He presented himself a broke. I did not lose much time to know his trouble. Let’s give him a fictitious name -- Sameer.

After settling down, I asked what the matter is. “Boss, she is not picking up my call. I have not slept for two days, and had been calling her for hours.”

Sameer had always been shy with me. So, it was unexpected that he opened his heart. I was not able to concentrate, as my thoughts were too preoccupied with the losses suffered in the stock market in the day.

“It was she who was desperate to have a relation with me. I did not take initiative. Now, after I spent two years with her she says that she is no more interested in me.”

“She was in Class XI when she started calling me. I always told her that she was 10 years younger, so the relation could not be feasible. Despite that she kept calling me always and at last I said yes.” Sameer taught in a coaching institute, where this girl had studied.

So what went wrong, I ask. “Now, she is in an engineering college, where she is having crushes on a couple of guys. She says she wants to be free from me.”

“Then leave her, as I don’t think you force someone in love,” I gave my wise advice.

“How can I leave her, I have spent two years with her. I fulfilled all her needs. Whenever she asked me to recharge her mobile pre-paid card, I did. I dropped her home, whenever she asked for. She used to call me all evening and I talked to her all night despite having classes in the morning.”

He had lost his father last year, and I had not seen so much of pain in him even at that time. My monosyllabic advices had no takers. Meanwhile, another friend dropped in. Let’s call him Vijay.
Vijay has always been short in having free time, as his girl friend has no other work in the world than to call him. He sensed the matter without wasting much time, and told him that he better get off from all such affairs!

To add strength to his sermons, Vijay told him that he wished his girlfriend left him so that he could be free. “But she says she would commit suicide, if I left her,” Vijay said with his chest curling in an awkward manner.

“I would not leave her,” Sameer repeated.

The dinner in the meantime was ready and after eating my heart out I signed off from the love-gone-haywire story.

The next day was my weekly off from my job. But I was not blessed with my best vocation in the world – sleeping. Sameer had come again. He was fresh and looked energetic. He had a story to tell. Journalists are always interested in a new story, not the old and stale ones.

“I taught her a lesson,” he chukled in with the smoke coming quite forcefully from his rather twisted mouth.

What did you do? I was little concerned. “I went to her college. I asked her to come out, after which she came out with friends.” He was taking too long time to tell the story. “When she came to me I caught hold of her. I started kissing her, while her friends looked on.” Sameer is 32-year-old, and his acts looked too daring for his age.

“She ran away to her friends, protesting my getting close to her. So, I drove near her friends, and again caught hold of her.”

He was breathing too deeply, giving a sense that he had pride in what he did. “She asked me to sit in the car, feeling embarrassed for my acts, promising that she would join me in the car. I obeyed, and she sat in the car, after which I kept roaming on Delhi’s roads.”

Sameer wanted to live his moments and relished his exploits with much heavier puffs.

“I kicked her out of the car right in the middle of the road after an hour of driving here and there, saying the she was free from me now. She started crying how she would go home, after which I threw four five-hundred notes at her. She did not pick the notes, but I kicked her out and sped away.” Baap re, what happened to the man’s chivalry?, I chuckled.

“She had been calling me since then, and now I refuse to pick her calls.”

Why did you throw her out? “She said that she was getting crushes on few guys, and I was too old for her now.” These were the words after which Sameer stopped his car near a flyover.

“Now, I am relived. I have taken my revenge. It was I who said no to her after she said that she could revive the relationship if I granted her the freedom to talk to the college boys and have an affair with one of them.”

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:45 AM

    Manish,well said a true story!!Anyone can differnciate now between LOVE & AFFECTION.Affection can never last long.You may find so many stories in So Called Metro Cities.


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