Monday, August 11, 2008

No surprises!

By Manish Anand

The hard-nosed observers are hardly getting surprised nowadays. Mayawati now wants to be the Prime Minister, no joke. So what, anyone can become a Prime Minister in India. Delhi's marketplaces are fast becoming stages for catwalk. Girls are now fed up with having mehandi on their palm or back of it and are having it from toes till high up. Men are wearing skinny clothes and walk like women. So what, time is changing and so are the patterns.

Mayawati is a popular politician and the chief minister of the most populous state of India. She came close to staging the coup in bringing down the World bank careerist Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. She has almost tasted blood and must be hungry enough to devour the whole delicacy. The next six months are set for exciting political churning.

Did you give hard look to the girls having rolled up their jeans high up for putting up mehandi in delicate designs? The sight is too irresistable. Just heard that tatoos are going out of fashion and probably our desi mehandiwallas sitting on the pavement are redifining the fashion trends in their own ways.

And yes, Mayawati's heir is not from her family. Is it another statement on the family run parties like the Congress. She has enriched the Hindi vocabulary as well with the word "sarvjan (all castes)".

My colleague was stunned when he saw a man in skinny vest doing a catwalk in the marketplace. My commiseration for him "he has biceps, triceps and all the muscles to show off, so why are you getting jealous, anyways you are not his target at least".

The best sight, however, was two love birds getting lip-locked in the crowded market place, with the girl glowing in the irresistable love that she was struggling to shower on his man, while he was all blushing with pride. It's the best thing to happen: the public expression of affection, it ensures that people do live in love.

Last but not the least, the city though is fast maddening it still has resilience to outpace the negative vibes in plenty.

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