Sunday, May 25, 2008

Lotus bloom

By Manish Anand

Finally, the lotus has bloomed south of the Vidhyanchal. After five decades of supplying the hardcore grassroot workers to the Rashtriya Swayam Sewak Sangh (RSS), its political baby, the BJP, would now form the state government in Karnatka. It's pregnant with significant political implications and it marks paradigm shift to the national politics.

The chattering class on television sets have exhausted much of their analytical skills. However, the political pundits sound too predictible that one can safely mute the news channels now. It's time that the news channels voluntarily shun all exit polls for just two reasons. First, it's not needed at all, and secondly for it prejudicing the electorates.

In another decade, the RSS would hand over the political tonic to the BJP in Kerala too. Just watch out for that, the social churning has been taking place almost for a decade now. The social undercurrents there would crystalise in another decade to hand over the BJP another hunting ground in the South India.

Arrogance is the hallmark of the Congress. For it the price rise of the essential commodities had just been the natural by-product of the high economic growth. It was nver seen being identified with the people bearing the brunt of the price rise. The JD (S) has proved a party which cheats the people's mandate. It's so called maveric patriarch H D Devgowda, who is known to keep the rupees in sacks and for distributing them in the same manner, could not find another way to fool the electorate. Good for the people.

The parliamentary elections would now not be preponed. However, the Congress has too less time for the damage control. It could now bank on its principal opponent the BJP to commit the political suicide in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar which it's hell-bent to commit.
The BJP in all likelihood would wrest Delhi Assembly from the Congress and could retain Chattisgarh and Rajsthan while losing Madhya Pradesh to the Congress in the winter this year. The BJP would go to the parliamentary elections with the winning momentum, while praying that the Congress looks at the common man with an impaired eyesight.

L. K. Advani could step into the shoes of A. B. Vajpayee but Bihar and UP could just prove to play the spoiler.

1 comment:

  1. Hi
    I completely agree with the writer that bjp is significantly making inroads into southern states where the party can take advantage of RSS presence.BJP can replicate the same in kerala too and make LF govt.bite the dust by taking RSS into cofidence which is the victim of left attrocities.



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