Saturday, August 01, 2015

The mirror-2


MIRRORS don't show much of us anymore.

HYPOCRISY seeks to sneak in with prosperity.

THAT too many crooks are around among educated lots tells sorry tales of Indian education system & society at large.

NO harm in aspiring to shine like sun, but what about coolness of the moon.

TO think you can write great without reading enough is just floating in fantasy air.

TREES with deep roots live longer and stay healthy.

DON'T be in awe of awards; most of them are favours.

BRAIN automatically trashes futuristic commitments.

ALL men can't be Lord Buddha. They can't either be ants.

AFTER long walk, I looked back. Only my shadow had stayed.

BARKING a wrong tree is known to be painful, yet it's common.

YOU shut yourself inside & outside thugs run amok.

LOVE and familiarity aren't greatest of friends.

MEN come from nature and go back to it in end, yet live away.


  1. TREES with deep roots live longer and stay healthy. - A simple statement with a deep meaning.


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