Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Killer husbands, wives in wrap of murderous laws

Reading the first report on murder of Priyanka Gupta, wife of an Infosys staffer in Bangalore, had given enough hints that she might have been murdered by her husband. A week later, another report on the murder case confirmed that she was really murdered by her husband, Satish Kumar Gupta. Nothing exceptional in this murder case to warrant a blog piece, but it's part of a larger crisis. Husbands are killing their wives and vice-versa.

The laws dealing with Indian marriages have become more murderous. The social change mostly brought in by soap operas on TV channels have emerged marriage destroyers. And to top all, the transition that India is making economically, by which a large number of people are migrating from one economic class to another, has left the young people clueless where to draw the lines.

The one who had earlier anticipated the social crisis and who sought dissolution of marriage was the one whom his disciples call "Osho". In his books on "Concept of Man" and "Concept of Woman", Osho discusses radical ideas of dissolution of marriage on the grounds that this binds man and woman into slavery of each other, while they would love to kill each other if given a chance. Though the gist of his analysis was sexual in nature, he may find justification in the way the marriages are getting dissolved not only in big cities but also in smaller towns.

The reported confession of Sathish in Priyanka's murder case can be stated for all the husbands of his likes. The wife scheming to snap off her husband's relations with his parents, change of place, refusing to adapt in the roles of daughter-in-law and so on. The husband too takes revenge and does the same with his in-laws. The result is a chain reaction, with the end result being that of the marriage giving births of a score of enemies on both the sides.

Thanks to multitudes of soap operas on TV channels to which the women remain glues all the times and changing lifestyle, which has already made the concept of neighbourhood redundant, the marriages are mostly stressed out. It must also be noted that the youth of this generation is under tremendous stress, again thanks to a score of region. Most often in a troubled marriage, there is a basic breach of trust. Husband spying on wife and vice-versa, with the mobile phone playing havoc in their relations is just a new phenomenon.

A recent visit to GB Pant Hospital to seek a second opinion for a distant relative suffering from brain tumour turned out to be interesting. The head of the neurology department of the hospital was in the mood to talk a lot and went on to share that if married couples in strained relations just started seeking counselling of trained psychiatrists 80 per cent of the lawyers would lose their jobs. "Husbands think that their wives are sleeping with others and vice-versa. In 80 per cent of strained marital relations, the reason is psychological disorder of one of the partner. This is treatable with simple medicine. Alas, people hardly consult psychiatrists in India," he stated.

Indian law makers are the worst in the world when it comes to framing new laws. Most often Indian laws are drafted by bureaucrats for whom just one word is enough to depict them, which is "arrogant". The Indian politicians are mostly lazy. They most often are ready to nod to what the bureaucrats says. The result is a plethora of laws, which have only prisoned the people. 

Indian laws dealing with strained marriages like the dowry act and others could emerge as one of a significant killers of people if a real assessment is made out. To top to all the madness is the police and the dirty lawyers who fleece the victims of such laws to the extreme, leaving them for no use at all. Only an idiot will confront elders for the misdeeds of their adult children, but unfortunately in India the parents of grown up boys and girls are the most harassed lot for committing the crime of being their "parents".

Live-in relations may just find India the most receptive country, as marriages prove to be great tormentor to the people. The day the people find an answer to bring a new soul to the world without social ostracizing, they will rush to give marriage a final burial.   

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