Sunday, April 11, 2010

Save buffalo!!!

In few years buffalo might be extinct from India. Tough to swallow, as it sounds so! However, an hour long analysis by a credible official in the know of intelligence inputs, who keeps a tab on the scale of illegal slaughtering of the bovine animal in Delhi, drove hard the point that the buffalos are on their way to extinction. So far we know of "Save Tiger" campaign, but later on the campaign to save buffalo might be on the anvil, as it appears so.

If this sounds weired, then check out the scale of illegal slaughtering going on not only in Delhi but also in rest of the country. In Delhi alone, at least 10,000 buffalos are slaughtered a day, mostly for the purpose of export. Top meat exporters in the capital were given a presentation few months ago on how buffalos are on their way to become extinct. They were told India would soon become like the Arabian countries where there is no bovine animal, as men there ate them all during the course of time.

Also, the scale on which the people in the Arabian countries are eating the Indian bovine animals far outmatch their replenishments. Though there are laws forbidding the slaughter and keeping of meats of the agricultural cattles, read the buffalo, cows, etc, the greed for short money by the people in the authority are assisting in finishing off the animals quite freely.  

The might of those involved in the trade of illegal slaughetring is so high in the capital that despite a man giving all the proof in the form of CD, which had the photographs of his home soaked in the animal blood due to the illegal slaughtering in his neighbourhood, hardly any action followed.

Recently, after the BJP created much din  in the Delhi Assembly over the issue of whether the permission to serve beef would be allowed in the Games Village during the Commonwealth Games, the city government with much hesitation stated a day later that it would abide by the existing law, Delhi Agricultural Cattle Protection Act, which forbids slaughter as well as even keeping their meat in the National Capital Territory by any person. Though the Delhi government has not done anything to enforce the law, the BJP due to its ideological leaning is itself searching out for those in the trade to get them arrested.

A new legislation in the form of Delhi Police (Amendment) Bill, 2010 is empowering the police to take action against those involved in the trade of illegal slaughtering. Lets hope that the insatiable demand of those within and outside the country to eat the bovine animals fail and India in the coming generations live to see these peaceful creatures.     


  1. Anonymous5:30 AM

    mere bhains ko danda kyun mara, tere baap ka wo kya karti thi, wo ghas bechara charthi thi..mere bhais..

  2. Anonymous5:32 AM

    akal bari ya bhains...lets have bhains bachao andolon (bbs)

  3. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Its absurd post, sorry to say but very true. Buffalo's milk is high in fats and every delicious dish contains some or the other ingredient contains its milk.
    I know people in villages who earn parallel income through selling milk.

    As the number of buffalos go down the milk and cream rate wood swoop up, promising better profit, and so more people will go for having them as income generaor.

    As far as slaughter is concerned I vote it should be stopped, but for your worry....its spineless.

    If you want to worry, there are other more importanat thing like inflation, farmer suicide, pollution, and pirated food items...

  4. Hello Mr Anonymous,

    First and foremost thanks for your comment on the post. This post was based on detailed inputs given by a top official privy to sensitive information. As far as your suggestions that I should worry about other issues, I shall like to tell you that this blog has about 95 posts dealing with a host of issues, including those of economic interests.

    thanks again


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