Wednesday, November 04, 2009

PM's shame: A death

Notwithstanding an apology by the Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, the death of a young man, Sumit Verma, is a shame, condemnable in strongest of the words. The media showed its spine by giving it a good coverage, otherwise the VVIP security around the country has been causing hardships to many on a daily basis.

The death of the 32 years old man must act as a wake up call for the VVIPs, including the Prime Minister and other ministers, who have been in the habit of obnoxious display of their power to the helpless people that they own this country. Now onwards it would be in the fitness of the commonsense of the administration to just ban the visit of the VVIPs to the hospitals of the country, which are supposed to help the patients and not kill them by turning their access into a fortress during the visit of the high ones.

It is an irony that the public exchequer is spent on the clamour of the VVIPs to showcase their gun-wielding commandos to the public even if they do not have any real threat to their lives. The spineless Home ministry appears not to have the spine to withdraw their security. Just in contrast look at the foreign VVIPs who do not shy away from mingling in with the public without the glare of their security men.  

The death of Verma in Chandigarh is unpardonable and the Prime Minister must ensure that the police men just get a little bit of commonsense, though it's known in the common parlance that the police men in the country are just brainless or rather "latthmar".

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