Thursday, November 19, 2009

Manmohan's absurdity

Lakhs of farmers particularly in the western UP have been agitating for over a month now against the government's ordinance on fair and remunerative prices for the sugarcane. The Parliament was forced to be adjourned on the first day of the session amidst the Opposition, including some of the UPA allies, raising the farmers' distress. Still, the Prime Minister Manmohan Singh played to the propaganda of the "heir" of  the Congress Rahul Gandhi as the messiah of every suffering people in the country. Mr Singh chose not to assure the Parliament but the young Gandhi, that the government would look into the grievance of the farmers. Nothing could be more explicit zeal on the Prime Minister in building the profile of Mr Gandhi than this, though the Union Cabinet also approved the "political" demand of the young Congress leader for over Rs 7,000 crore for Bundelkhand region in UP and Madhya Pradesh, despite a long standing demands from the two state governments in this regard.  

It appears that a heavy and well oiled propaganda war is being unleashed by the Congress in tandem with the Manmohan Singh led Indian government to project Mr Gandghi as the eligible heir to the top post of the country. The media is playing to the gallery for their own reasons.

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