Monday, September 07, 2009

Puffed away...warning!!!

It is a while that the government forced scary pictures on tobacco products. If you look at them, you feel like being harassed. The cigarette packets have all the gory pictures to twist your organs inside. The intention rather the supposed intention was that the smokers would be too shocked to put the death-stick into their lips and make hard puff. Now that a comfortable time span has passed away since those shocking pictures appeared on the packets of the tobacco products, it will be interesting to know if they made any impact. Did the labels really make a good number of people to quit?

It just happened that a gentleman in his sixties asked my regular paanwaala after lighting his cigarette why the cigarette packets in the cubicle shop do not show those scary pictures. "The pictorial sides of the packets are all turned back, so they are not visible to the customers," told my paanwaala to the gentleman, who, pleased to hear the explanation, said: "Keep it that way."

The smokers know the ill-effects and still they indulge in their favourite habit. They have innumerable reasons, which might sound hollow, as they are. But the habits just do not go away. However, it is really terrible to smoke. It induces ageing...

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