Saturday, September 13, 2008

The cost of being Incredibly callous: Blasts after blasts

By Manish Anand

Delhi saw another macabre dance of deaths on Saturday. The politicos again appealed people to be calm and peaceful. The terror mail sent to media again made fun of Indian intelligence agencies. The incredibly incompetent Home Minister Shivraj Patil visited the blast spots and "reassured" his cops that the incompetency in the system flows from the top. The deaths of the innocents are "learning experiences" for this minister and his callous department. But Patil is too old to learn the siege within the nation.

It was only in 2005 that Delhi was ripped apart with the triple Diwali blasts. Three years later Delhi's pain is shared by Bangalore, Jaipur, Ahmedabad...The 2005 blast case is not yet cracked. The 60,000 strong Delhi Police remains clueless on how to protect the capital city of 17 million. They have to thank the rag-pickers', who found three more live bombs in Delhi, for saving people's lives.

"Right to Life" is a fundamental right under the Constitution of India. It's in the holy book only, to put it straight. The onlookers at the blast spot in the GK's M-Block market said people have started avoiding market places on the weekends for the fear of terror blasts. The people now live in fear. The trust in the security agencies has gone. Though we desist from the blamegame, the "why" can not be ignored. And this "why" can not be answered, because Patil can not own his shameful incompetency.

The siege within the nation is getting more palpable. The muslims have not risen to the challenge to crush the seed of the terror within their community. The primary onus lies with the community to co-ordinate with the local police. No explanations will suffice for them being a mute spectator. Already whispers within the software industry is doing the rounds to curb the entry of muslims, after the suspect mastermind of the terror attacks turned out to be a techie. It must be nipped in the bud before the siege within the nation further deepens.

Mr Patil, can you please make ways for any man worth his salt, as your callousness has already taken too many lives. Thanks very much for your services, now please move out for God's sake.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:50 AM

    The evil can't be defended. Nor it should be. The security apparatus has failed in the state and there is no one denying it. People are living in fear. The fear is not palpable but it is breeding inside the hearts of common people. It walks with them. It eats with them. And for most of the time, politicians, who should assuredly drag people out of the daily trauma amd miseries, start repeating their usual demagougery. Who suffers? Who kills?

    And for the writer...........!

    It is a common perception that muslims are involved in each and every blast that takes place in the country. But I have certain reservations.
    1) What is a man, who doesn't have anything to lose or gain if he lives or dies, supposed to do when he is assured a good social life that he, under the prevailing laws of discrimination in India, can't and shall not afford? People like me and you can't do and shall not act on behalf of terror. But what about that impoverished man on street who doesn't know whether he will get food to eat for the day or not? The problem is social and political. It needs corresponding solutions.

    2)In all the five blast that took place in India this and last year. the police has only one evidence against the accused. "Extracted Confessions!!!!" Does that suffice?? Many sections of media reported the involvement of RSS and Bajrang Dal in Bengalure blasts!

    3)Muslims don't stand for terror. Historically we have played an important role in the freedom of our country and it is that history that is making us pay... Historically, only muslims have shown a declining standard of life in the years after independence? Is that not a clue???


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