Friday, August 15, 2008

From Jai Shri Ram to Har Har Mahadev !!

By Manish Anand

India is abuzz with the chant of Har Har Mahadev, after a break of more than a decade when the country feverishly chanted Jai Shri Ram. The credit singularly goes to the Congress, which for an unexplained magnanimity galvanised the directionless saffron party (BJP) ahead of the general elections.

The home minister Shivraj Patil has got too many eggs on his face to done the high office. He along with his party has taken Kashmir back to the time of 1990s, when the then J&K governor Jagmohan had literally handed over Kashmir to Pakistan with his whims and fancies.

Jammu and Kashmir both are simmering with anger. In Jammu the Congress at the behest of the blatant separatist party PDP hurt the religious sentiments of the millions of Hindus on the Amarnath issue. The Congress played into the hands of the PDP ostensibly to save its prospects in the looming Assembly elections there. The party is known for its timidity from the days of Shah Bano case.

What happens from here. The answer lies in the background chant of Har Har Mahadev heard when I called a youth BJP activist in Patna few days back. Hindus have deep emotional attachment with Baba Bhole whose worship dates back to the Harappan time. Hindus love Him, known as Nilkanth, after he took the poison to let others enjoy the nectar, for thousands of years of attachment with Him in all walks of life. No other God could be so widely and emotionally worshipped as He is.

The valley is donned with the Pakistani flags. It does not serve the purpose of the Kashmiris at all. The time has passed when a region seceded on the basis of violence, as was the case with Pakistan. Thousand times more people have been killed in Sri Lanka in the Tamilian rebellion. But the world just can not tolerate any more division of land on the basis of religion.

Also, the Congress can be taught lessons by the people, as done in the recent times. Now, the people can stop the madness of few people of this grand old party whose romantic ideologue (JLN Nehru) left the legacy of violence in the country, thanks to his idiotic world views.

It was the saffron party's grand old man (AB Vajpayee) who heralded peace in Kashmir, which followed with peace with Pakistan. He took bold initiatives and they had paid dividends. Interestingly, he destroyed his party in J&K but won the elusive peace there. Contrast this to what Congress did, as it destroyed the Peace of the state to save the party there.

As peace in the valley, the leadership too is elusive in the country. Dr Manmohan Singh and the disastrous Shivraj Patil just shame the very spirit of leadership at the cost of the nation.

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