Monday, May 28, 2007

Wanted: A President for India

By Manish Anand

Indian polity is abuzz with the talk of the next President of India. With the bar for the high post raised by many a notches by the two immediate Presidents, Dr A P J Kalam and Dr K R Narayanana, India requires another President who could further bring prestige and honour to the post.

But the Indian polity is threatening to overlook the bigger picture to accommodate their petty political designs.

As a constitutional head of the largest democracy in the world, the first citizen must command a good constitutional judgement along with the spine to take independent decisions. Also, the post would require him or her to prop the government and citizenry to further raise their levels.

Has there been a woman President of India in the last 60 years of independence? No, there was none. When the nation takes explicit care to have an inclusive growth and takes pride in having Presidents from the dalit and minority class, then why the Indian polity failed to have a woman President so far?

It's an injustice that none from half the population could rise to the top most post in India. Also, it explains in some ways why the Parliament has not been able to pass the Women Reservation Bill so far when the same has been successfully implemented in the Panchayati and municipal bodies.

A symbolic act by picking up a competent woman to occupy the highest position would hasten their effective empowerment. Also, it must be taken into account that Indira Gandhi as the Prime Minister had instilled confidence and hope among women that they too could carve a
niche for themselves in the fast competitive world.
However, it would be a folly if an active politician is chosen for the high post. The reason being that Indian polity is undergoing through a churning process, which would keep throwing challenges to the President to ensure that the spirit of Constitution prevails and justice is done to all. Also, the post in no way be considered a retirement solution for the influential politicians. It would just embarrass the ever competitive Indians who want to be the best in the world.
The Congress and the BJP are in position to get their blue eyed baby to the high post. Also, the smaller parties have become smart to be herded around the bigger parties. So, the two leading parties could constitute a panel of five thinking people and come up with a list of five and the best among them be picked up at an all party meeting. Sonia Gandhi and L K Advani have seen enough politics by now to think big and could get the backing of A B Vajpayee and Somnath Chaterjee for an eventual selection.
Would the Indian polity rise to the occasion and bless the people with a President who can instill pride in people. Let's watch the unfolding of the process.

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