Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Sulking India

By Manish Anand

Failures know no father. Indian criketers now know it hard way. An end number of Indians at every possible fora are screaming to damn the likes of Sachins and Dravids for not meeting their bloated expectations. The emotional fools that most of the Indians are the humiliating early exit from the World Cup of cricket is hard to believe for most of them.
Did Sachin or Dravid promise anyone that they are going to bring the World Cup back or did the coach Chappel said anything like that? But they also failed to instil rationality in the unjustifiable dreams of Indians of World Cup glory. They now pay for their mistake.

Indian News channels are into business of making fast bucks. They unfailingly solicit SMSs for their polls and reactions, which are camouflaged as some pieces of news analysis. From bomb blasts in various Indian cities to the defeat of Indians in a crciket match, the voluble anchors and experts start screaming ignorant of repetitions and stupidity while soliciting SMSs. The revenue from the charged SMSs are then shared between the TV channels and the mobile phone operators.
The fledgling News channels have another reason to whip the Indian cricketers for making an early exit as they were denied a share in the pie of more than Rs 4,00 crore advertisements from Indian companies during the World Cup. This explains why the TV anchors are screaming even weeks after over the Indian debacle.
On the contrast the News channels are hardly seen devoting a fair amount of time to diagnose why so many farmers in India are committing suicide or why the digital divide between the two Indians are getting more intense to the extent of brewing rebellion within the nation. They are yet to give fair amount of time to diagnose the failings of the various state governments or pick up issues which the silent Indians are suffering from.
Cricket is just a game but unfortunately in India the people would give a damn to the productivity at their work places to watch the match on TV. A nation of huge unemployment found special flavour in Cricket matches as they help in killing the idle time of millions of Indians with the lazy folks adding to the band of the "Blue Billion".
The emotional drain that Indians are still suffering is nothing but a trap of crass consumerism fed on the TV channels by fat advertisement cartel willing to sale anything by exploiting the emotional weakness of the Indians.
The Sachins and Dravids would hit some centuries in the coming home series against England and they would again start selling the Pepsis and Colas with all zest and the Indians would brave the scorching heat to watch they duel with the cricketing heroes to assuage the hurt Indians!

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