Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Truly sadistic !

by Manish Anand

Lost in technicalities could best describe judicial engagement on making Delhi a rule following city. For more than eight months the Supreme Court has made the Capital a city living in fear. Fear of sealing! Sealing that cripples business, entrepreneurial activities, and which makes a mockery of the new economy offshoots.

A nexus of politicians, bureaucrats, and lawyers have been living a dream of making Delhi a city like Paris – a city with few people, mansions housing burly breed of these classes, old romanticism associated with a Capital city.

The judiciary this way or that way has got into this tangle; to correct the haphazard growth of the city in the last four decades. Now, it has to be corrected, because the Master Plan for the city, which incubates its growth, which also became obsolete on 2001 itself, does not approve of the way the city turned out to be.

So, the Supreme Court stepped in, guided by an idiotic piece of land-use rule book (Master Plan 2001) , to pack off more than five lakh traders and another one lakh of entrepreneurs out of the city, governed horribly by the local government as well as by the Central government, because they make the city look bad; aesthetically, architecturally, and gives scary moments to those who dream of the city becoming Paris.

Even poor make the city look bad, isn’t it! Jhuggi-jhopri, lining the city landscape with stinking smell emanating from them, dots the city. Their inhabitants also defecate on the pipeline supplying drinking water to the city. Their children beg at red-lights, make nauseating sights. Many of the anti-social elements also live there. Many of these folks also sleep in night on road-side or under the city flyovers. Sometimes they come under the wheels of the over-drunk kids of the super rich of the city. Though Rs 10,000 get these murderers out of the reach of the long hands of the law, it’a always troublesome to visit police stations and lower courts with such premises having none of the air-conditioners that they can not live without.

So, why the judiciary and the political class do not step in and calls for shooting dead 20 per cent of the population who are at the bottom of the poverty. Welfare state that India is may become a hindrance in executing such a decision as it will bring shame to the nation worldwide. Definitely, great Indians, politicians, bureaucrats, lawyers, lecture all around the world about how great welfare state that India is!

Grow up folks. Czars were thrown up and shot dead by firing squad. Let the city live as it developed into. Knocking at the belly of lakhs of people brigs only upheavals, which sometime may refuse to recognise government and judiciary. It’s never too late to recognise the folly committed and make amends.

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