Saturday, August 26, 2006

Lurking xenophobia

by Manish Anand

Fate of 12 Indians on board the Dutch airlines is just a pointer to widespread xenophobia, which is gripping the world at an alarming rate. Demarche served by the Indian government to the Dutch ambassador is nothing but a meek reply to the humiliation meted out to the Indian community. Islamic terrorism has led to the setting in of suspicion and then of fear and then of paranoia in the minds of the white about all black with Muslim names. Human frailty has no ends, and in the times to come such incidents may unroll racial hatred of much larger proportion across the nations.

Apropos to the British security agencies that they averted mid-air explosion of near dozen US bound airlines. Suspects again proved to be disgruntled muslims, having roots in Pakistan. The impulsive statement of the US president, George Bush, that Islamic fundamentalism poses great risk to the world is though a blunt admission of truth widely accepted, but badly delivered to the consumption of Islamic community.

Israel raiding Lebanon, hunting for Hezbollah guerilla, has also made the West Asian Muslims pliant in the hands of the fundamentalists. Deaths of innocents in Lebanon have been widely reported with pictures of maimed and killed drawing worldwide condemnation of reckless arrogance of the Zionist state.

Four years ago while delivering a memorial lecture in Harward University, the former US president, Bill Clinton, had brilliantly captured the psyche of the divide between Muslims and Christians. “Every mother in West Asia tells her sons and daughters stories of crusade. Brutalities of Christians against Muslims, magnified manyfold, are told to kids. They grow up hating Non-Muslims, with revenge deeply etched in their minds. Any peace effort if it has to have a chance of success has to target this psyche. And, for that to happen current problems there have to give ways to peace,” Clinton had remarked to spell-bound audience, which was telecast live by BBC World.

But the way the events are unfolding there is hardly any reason to be optimistic. Threat perception is much larger. No one is safe. Terrorist attacks have acquired alarming precision and reach. The world map is dotted with enough places, which can act as perennial reasons of indoctrination. Impressionable minds are in abundance, ready to join ranks with hardened militants.

An ex-intelligence official with wide experience in Kashmir and having experience of breaking down most of hardened terrorists while interrogating them had an interesting experience to share with officers of the Steel Frame of India. “The only militant I could not break down despite one full year of interrogation was a 14-year-old boy. All methods were tried. His mother was brought to him, and told that she would suffer for his refusal to open up. But he disowned her as his mother. One year later his commander was arrested, and was broken down with ease, and he told everything. But when the boy was encountered with new information, he just said that the arrested militant was lying,” the retired intelligence man had remarked.

A 14-year-old kid could be so steeled!

A collective effort is awaited, which must ensure that tension between nations and their peoples as well as between different religions lessen if they do not end.

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