Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Sheer madness

by Manish Anand

Congress is known for its scant regards to Constitution. It has always been so and on many occassions it has played with constitutional provisions. And it has done to save its face either to keep its vote-bank intact or to save the culprits in its own flock.

The Allahabad High Court rightly ruled that Aligarh Muslim University is not a minority institution. How can a central varsity be a minority institution. And more importantly when the university gets its funding from governmnet. We are a secular nation constitutionally. Constitution has no provision for minoritism based on religion. At best it recognizes linguistic and cultural minorities Article 34. And more so Artcle 14 mandates equal opportunities for all and no discrimination on the basis of caste, religion, sex and colour is permitted. In this context, the oft-repeated word of affirmative action under the garb of positive discrimination in favour of a religion fails the test of constitutional propriety.

Ordinance has been the much abused instrument that a government led by Congress has used to serve its vested interests. So, the talked about ordinance to restore the minority status to AMU fits into the retrograde culture of Congress. In the same way It's trying to stall demolitions of illegal buildings in Ulhasnagar in Mumbai through an ordinance when the matter is actually under judicial consideration. And who owns properties in Ulhasnagar. It's Congress MLAs councillors, workers. The same ordinance route is being thought over by the Delhi governmnet led by it, but not resorted to because of political reasons. Sheila Dikhit has been much harassed by the Delhi Congress chief Ram Babu Sharma in the last couple of years due to various reasons. And he controls MCD which has to go to election next year. Defeat is certain and that would dilute his power and lessen Mrs Dikhit's troubles. She is not bothered of her own political future as Congress is certain to lose the Delhi elections when it's held after three and half years and even if it wins miraculously she will not be the chief minister thanks to her not being a part of the group of cronies of Mrs Sonia Gandhi.

But its stand on AMU is worst. Constitution mandates a secular nation and bonding of all cultures and religions into one nation. There can't be multiple nations which is being perpetuated by Congress. Minoritism is an anti-thesis of one secular nation which falls on deaf ears of Indian polity. Students Islamic Movement of India found its base in the safe and archaic confines of the AMU. Before it could be banned it had inflicted incalculable damages to India's secular fabric as well as national security. Why should taxpayers' money be used to perpetuate an anti-India movement.

The central government's plan to modernise Madrassa and recruite Urdu teachers (religious teachers) is equally baffling. The plan is at best a plank to keep the Muslims backward and make them vulnerable to the designs of India's adversaries. Why not Muslims should be going to common schools and learn what could fetch them jobs. It equally botches all attempt to evolve an inclusive nation.

Congress must learn to respect Constitution.

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