Saturday, December 31, 2005

Romantic moorings

by Manish Anand

Delhi is at its romantic best these days. In winter’s arm, thick fog is what people find themselves kissed by. With wind gently blowing, you start searching for a warm cover. Warmth is what everyone is searching for these days in the Capital of India.

The university days come refreshingly back with all the stroll you took with your partners, friends or whatever. Searching for a coffee shop, you would walk at the slowest pace possible with so much of stories told in between. Autobiographical you might have been at times. Lots to share and lots to cheer the youth that a university campus gives.

Delhi also becomes lot more colourful, literally. With most of the time spent sweating in dullest of clothes, colour is what everyone sports. A break from tiring schedule that winter gives to Delhi. Rejoice you must because Delhi is never so romantic.

You bond also well in these months. Remember sharing cigarettes with friends all with the belief that it beats cold. Many pick up the habit of smoking, seeing the outside smoky fog being matched by ciggy smokes. Ah, the days when we had so much of time and we stood in a circle cracking jokes, laughing our hearts out.

In the classroom, the little petite girl with cream colour sweater, pulling it out to cover her hands till the end, and taking deep breath, and if you were lucky enough sitting beside her, experiencing the warmth of her breath on your hand you would have your heart beating for her. The days passed by never come back, someone had said. So true it was.

Collective we are in our acts also. Isn’t it? Hey, planning drinks also and if you were good at cooking then be in the kitchen, right. But yaah you would not be left alone there as your friends would join there. We have so much to talk about. Friendship also comes to its best in such a season.

Sun becomes so lovable. People assembled in groups to let the rays fall on them are common sight. Get warmth, get warm and be warm that’s what winter get from you.

Delhi waits for winter to love others and be loved by others. Misers are excused!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Delhi Campus, friends and winter; there can not be a better definition of fun and life. The article makes me smile with nostalgia....remebering winter time spent in the hostel sharing innumerable stories with friends over a cup of red tea at night after the silence bell. Sharing, teasing, laughing and learning life with friends enriched life in more than one way and will always be cherished with big broad smiles......


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