Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Condemned women

By Manish Anand

It remains a question if a girl enjoys the right to grow as boys in India even today. Not much effort will be needed to reach at a negative conclusion. A girl in India is condemned to be a commodity or rather a prisoner of man’s wishes.

Some instances of individual achievements are thrown by the gullible apologists to save their skins, but at the end of the day girls cringe within a never crumbling domain that limits her potential to enjoy the growth that she is capable of. Subordinated, sacrificed or drowned into the trap of inferiority complex and self-doubt, girls remain in the loop of identity crisis.

The more fiercely they try to break open of this the more intense resistance they arouse from male members or rather from the collective strength of the society. Still committing suicide in large numbers; still burnt in developed as well as remote places; still condemned to be unfaithful; still killed before breathing; still damned and cursed for bearing girl child; still looked by cynical eyes if walking shoulder straight; still blamed for being victims of man’s brute violence — girls or women live lives of dependence, begging to be loved and empathised. Education was tipped to deliver them from bondage. But is it really so?

Education became another cosmetic that men wanted them to apply to gain a little respect. Another value addition to a commodity that she has been made out to be since centuries.The face of a society in India has always been that of the most brute and ruffians with rascals masking themselves as the guardians of society. Society could never have delivered them from their curses and it did not despite begging for years.

Democracy promised to empower them, but it itself became the mistress of the rascals of the society who remain morally and intellectually corrupt as ever they were.Economic empowerment was again thrown as a euphemism for their deliverance. For all practical purposes, all economic empowerment that women have seen are categorical, selective and skewed.

What other path that they should tread?
Amrita Pritam brought their pathos to her readers. Other continue to do so in their domain. But to become a human being from the crass commodity something extraordinary will be required at a massive level to deliver the whole race from the bondage of men. Time is ticking.

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